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Archaeological interventions programmed in LOGROTIN refer in the first instance to the Cerro de San Cristobal. Between June-July 2016, an geomining and archaeological campaign is planned. Geomining action will consist of the mechanical opening of one or two open trenches of variable width and length, in order to detect traces of Protohistoric mining. The main aim is studying the basement, both in the base and in the walls of the trenches to obtain large sections. Due to the profound alterations caused by mining work in the years 1950-1962, this aspect is undoubtedly one of the most difficult goals of this project. In parallel, it is planned to extend the excavation in some of the known areas with the aim of recovering more archaeological and bioarchaeological evidence with which to enrich the knowledge of living spaces and mining-metallurgical activities. Finally, the relevance of consolidating and/or restoring archaeological structures should be considered.

On a larger scale, throughout 2016 it is scheduled a selective archaeological survey in the axis "Logrosán-Medellin" (Ruecas river valley),theoretically considered the most adequate natural route for the connectionof the mining-metallurgical production of the Cerro San Cristobal with the Tajo-Guadiana interactions and, ultimately, with the Tartessian exchange networks.