19 May, 2017
The traces of the Berzocana Hoard
Within the framework of the Project, a complete study on the discovery and context of the Berzocana Hoard has been published. This study, done by David M. Duque, Alonso Rodríguez and Ignacio Pavón, is titled "El Tesoro de Berzocana: los rastros del hallazgo", and is part of the book Historias de Tesoros, Tesoros con Historia (History of Treasures, Treasures with History), co-edited by the Publications Service of the UEX and PRETAGU Research Group. The work addresses, among other issues, the complex history of the finding, the details of a third torc/bracelet sold in Navalmoral de la Mata and a critical assessment of the possible find place of the pieces. All this has been based on an exhaustive compilation of oral testimonies and documents, as well as on a selective field work in the area of discovery of the hoard.
Distribution and sale of the book Historia de Tesoros, Tesoros con Historia